Yesterday I landed up on the Computer Center at Jericho. I've been walking for 3 days since I left Forks. There isn't much activity on the route, the radiation counter did take a punch but everything else was fine. Water here is lightly irradiated and can be consumed if you have your purification kit with you (which, by the way is a must have).
The Jericho town is still upright and crawling with mutated insects, so be careful while heading this way. I was able to locate a caravan who filled me up with latest news, the radiation is spreading eastwards with increased speed and more fire storms are expected. Keep 'yer heads down and don't walk out if the horizon is turning a shade of green and red.
There is little to see here except the regular green hue colored empty buildings and more mutated insects. The signal from radio gets stronger here (Up 0.3%), so I must be getting closer. There is a power house which still has some supplies and connects to this computer center.
Okay, so Why am I here if theres nothing? Well, last week I got off a tip from my trusted sources that a UM disc dating all the way back to 2034 is buried somewhere here. Yes, from 2034 - that's about 160 years old!
Here is the part which gets interesting, news is, this disc carries the codes to Rock Pass Gates!
I will be looking for the Disc tomorrow as soon as the Radiation levels drop in the morning. If I can secure this disc, then we can finally go beyond the gates towards the signal. There is a alarming drop in temperatures near this town, which means this town was frozen in the past, suggesting a probable nuclear detonation near this town.
That's all for tonight. Always Remember:
If you're heading out, make sure to travel only in the mornings.
Never Drink or eat anything without checking it first for radiation and mutation levels.
Never Trust anybody.
Until Fate's Grace. Keep Fighting.
Yesterday I landed up on the Computer Center at Jericho. I've been walking for 3 days since I left Forks. There isn't much activity on the route, the radiation counter did take a punch but everything else was fine. Water here is lightly irradiated and can be consumed if you have your purification kit with you (which, by the way is a must have).
The Jericho town is still upright and crawling with mutated insects, so be careful while heading this way. I was able to locate a caravan who filled me up with latest news, the radiation is spreading eastwards with increased speed and more fire storms are expected. Keep 'yer heads down and don't walk out if the horizon is turning a shade of green and red.
There is little to see here except the regular green hue colored empty buildings and more mutated insects. The signal from radio gets stronger here (Up 0.3%), so I must be getting closer. There is a power house which still has some supplies and connects to this computer center.
Okay, so Why am I here if theres nothing? Well, last week I got off a tip from my trusted sources that a UM disc dating all the way back to 2034 is buried somewhere here. Yes, from 2034 - that's about 160 years old!
Here is the part which gets interesting, news is, this disc carries the codes to Rock Pass Gates!
I will be looking for the Disc tomorrow as soon as the Radiation levels drop in the morning. If I can secure this disc, then we can finally go beyond the gates towards the signal. There is a alarming drop in temperatures near this town, which means this town was frozen in the past, suggesting a probable nuclear detonation near this town.
That's all for tonight. Always Remember:
If you're heading out, make sure to travel only in the mornings.
Never Drink or eat anything without checking it first for radiation and mutation levels.
Never Trust anybody.
Until Fate's Grace. Keep Fighting.
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I would Appreciate if you would like to drop me any leads to something valuable. If you find any information wrong (of course, other than the names of places and people) then please tell me. Thank you for 'yer time.